• Accounts:Adding new accounts and updating Visma Severa's accounts, when main account database is elsewhere.
  • Cases: Inserting new cases based on confirmed orders in another application. At the same time creating accounts if they don't exist.
  • Costs: Getting items from Visma Severa, to produce a cost calculation for a project in an another application.
  • Invoice:Transferring invoices or Finvoices from Visma Severa to another application for invoicing or bookkeeping. Transfer is usually based on invoice statuses in Visma Severa.
  • Items:Inserting items to Visma Severa, when billable items are created in another system. Items are inserted to case, and from there they can be invoiced.
  • Salaries: Getting work hour entries from Visma Severa to other application, for salary calculation purpose.
  • Sales: Creating a call list for sales persons, based on accounts and their future activities.
  • Ticketing: Inserting new activities to Visma Severa, based on tickets created in another application.
  • Travel reimbursement: Transferring travel expenses from Visma Severa to travel reimbursement application.
  • Work hours: Adding work hours to Visma Severa, when main work hour entry system is other application.

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