With Visma Lön integration it is possible to make a file of work hours, overtime, absences and travels from certain period of time from Severa and import this data to Visma Lön to be used for salary payment purposes.

Please notice that this add-on is only available for customers located in Sweden and requires the Advanced time tracking add-on.

Settings in Severa

Enable flextime

  1. Go to Settings > Time & Expenses > Flextime to enable flextime.
  2. Start tracking flextime by specifying a day from which users' flextime will be calculated.
    • Flextime is not calculated if no date has been entered.
    • Flextime is needed so that work day calculations are correct.

User settings

  1. Go to User management

  2. Each employee needs to have a employee number, social security number and valid employment with start date + expected daily work hours amount in order for the integration to work.

    • Employee number is used to match the employee in Severa and Visma Lön.
  3. Edit each user and check that employee number and social security number exists in Personal details, and a valid work contract is found under Employee settings > Work contracts.

    • Same settings must be found in Visma Lön's user register.

Activity type settings

To match different types of absences from Severa to time codes (tidkoder) in Visma Lön, activity type name has to start with code that is 3 numeric characters long.

  • Go to Settings > Activity types and edit all the activity types by clickig the pen icon in the front of the name.
  • Same codes must be found in Visma Lön's time codes.
  • You can edit and set up your time codes under Arkiv > Företagsunderhåll > Företagsinställningar > Import/Export and click the icon for Tidkoder in Visma Lön.

Work type settings

To match different type of work types from Severa to time codes (tidkoder) in Visma Lön, an identifier has to be given for each work type. Same identifier must be found from Visma Lön's time codes.

  • Go to Settings > Work time, travel expense & product registries > Work types, and edit all the work types.

Overtime rate settings

To match different type of overtime rates from Severa to time codes (tidkoder) in Visma Lön, an identifier has to be given for each overtime. Same identifier must be found from Visma Lön's time codes. Go to Settings > Work time, travel expense & product registries > Overtime and edit all the overtime options.

Travel expenses settings

To match different types of travel expenses from Severa to travel expenses in Visma Lön, an identifier has to be given for each travel expense type in Severa and same expense codes must be found from Visma Lön.

  • Go to Settings > Work time, travel expense & product registries > Travel expense types and edit all the travel expenses.
  • You can edit and set up your expense codes under Arkiv > Företagsinställningar > Import/Export and click the icon for Utläggskoder in Visma Lön.
  • In the window that opens you add and match the identifiers in both systems. In this view you can also select what salary type (Löneart) the code should be associated with.

Public holidays

When adding new or editing public holidays in Severa you must make the same settings in Visma Lön. It's important in order for the transfer to work that half days is marked as "Full tid" in Visma Lön since there is no settings to manage this in Severa.

In Severa, public holidays are edited in Settings > Time & Expenses > Flextime > Public holidays. These settings must match the settings in Visma Lön under Arkiv > Företagsunderhåll > Företagsinställningar / Helgdagar m.m.

Data transfer settings

  1. Go to Data transfers and select Settings tab.
  2. Enter your company's name and number.
  3. Work hour entries, absences and travels are collected into a file based on the selected time frame setting.
  4. Save settings.
  5. Verify that company name and number matches with the name and number in Visma Lön.

Settings in Visma Lön


Activate bookkeeping parameters in Visma Lön by selecting "Resultatenhet" and "Project" in Bokföring.

Import/Export settings

  1. Select the default folder where file exported from Severa is located.
  2. Remove setting "Använder Mitt lönebesked i Visma Stämpla.

Create a file to import into Visma Lön

  1. Go to Data transfers and click "Ladda ned lönefill".
  2. Save the file into the folder selected in Visma Lön's Import/Export settings.

Create salary in Visma Lön

  1. In Visma Lön go to Förstasida > Skapa ny lönekörning to import work hours and absense data.
  2. Select "Importera från tidsredovisning" to select the file exported from Severa.

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