Integrate Visma eAccounting and Severa to transfer your customers, projects, invoices and costs between the two systems. Manage your projects in Severa and create invoice drafts, which will then be sent to eAccounting to be delivered to customers and stored in bookkeeping. Get your supplier invoices into eAccounting and transfer those to Severa as project costs.

Data transfer is user controlled. When data is ready to be transferred, user needs to click transfer button to transfer data from Severa to eAccounting.

There are master settings for customers and products that define, in which system the data is updated. It means that new information is added to both systems, but updates will only transfer from "master". Usually for example Severa is master for customers where as eAccounting is master for products.

This integration is not supported in Finland.

What is transferred


Customers in Severa are connected as customers in eAccounting. With customers, also address and contact are transferred. In eAccounting there can be only one address and one contact per customer where as Severa can have many. This means that when transferring a customer from Severa to eAccounting, the integration will choose the first billing address and its contact from Severa. In eAccounting, address is also a mandatory field for customer and therefore integration will give an error if trying to transfer a customer from Severa that does not have an address.

Integration will transfer all active customers from Severa to eAccounting and vice versa. If both systems already have customer data, it is important to verify the existing data. Customers are connected with their name and number, so before integration is started, it is important to verify that if same customer exists in both systems, they have the same customer number.

If the customer's customer number begins with zeroes, Severa deletes them. For example, if the customer number is 01234, in Severa this transforms into 1234.

The integration has a master setting for customers. This means that updated customer data will only be transferred from master system. Integration cannot handle a situation where you update customer's name or number in master only, because it connects customers by checking their name and number and if one is changed, it does not recognize the customer as the same. In this situation you have to manually change the name or the number into both systems.

A multi-currency add-on is needed for Severa if in eAccounting there are customers with different currencies.

Product register

Products, travels and work types in Severa are connected as articles in eAccounting. When adding products into eAccounting, the integration sets "Services" as the article accounting type. After the transfer is done, it is important to log in to eAccounting and verify that the articles have correct account types, because the account type affects on your invoicing.

Integration will transfer all products from Severa to eAccounting and vice versa. If both systems already have products, it is important to verify the existing data. Products/work types/travels are connected with their name and number, so before integration is started, it is important to verify that if same product exists in both systems, the code in Severa matches the article number in eAccounting.

Make sure that in Severa you don't have same name or code for products, work types and travels.

The integration has a master setting for products. This means that updated products will only be transferred from master system. Integration cannot handle a situation where you update product's name or number in master only, because it connects products by checking their name and number and if one is changed, it does not recognize the product as the same. In this situation you have to manually change the name or the number into both systems.


Projects (cases) in Severa can be transferred into one of the cost centers in eAccounting as cost units. Projects are used for two purposes. First, when invoice is transferred, each invoice row has information on which project it belongs to. Secondly, projects are used with supplier invoice transfer to get costs into Severa. All open projects are transferred, closed projects are not transferred.


Invoices are created in evera and then transferred as draft invoices into eAccounting. Invoice date is not transfferred from Severa to eAccounting. Invoices are using transferring date (date when invoices are transferred to eAccounting). Draft invoices are sent to customers from eAccounting and at the same time they go to bookkeeping. You can also get the status of Sent and Paid invoices from eAccounting to Severa. Invoice numbers are transferred from eAccounting to Severa when sent status is updated. The Reimbursed invoices are not transferred, so reimbursements must be done in eAccounting.

Supplier invoices

Supplier invoices can be transferred to Severa as billable items and costs or only as costs for projects. Project where costs are transferred is defined for the supplier invoice row in eAccounting. Supplier invoice will be a product on a project. Billable item and cost mean that the product will have a unit price and unit cost, which are the same amount as supplier invoice's amount.

A multi-currency add-on is needed for Severa if in eAccounting there are supplier invoices with different currencies.

How to use


API access rights in eAccounting are needed, to authenticate the integration.

Your credentials to Severa and eAccounting must be the same as the integration uses the same authentication method.

Api access is also needed activate from the eAccounting. Login to eAccounting > APPS and activate API.

In Severa, an add-on called Visma eAccounting must be enabled from Upgrades (Upgrades > Adjust features > Interfaces).

Once the add-on is enabled, a Data transfer menu appears under Settings menu in Severa. Before anything can be transferred, some settings must be defined. Please follow the steps below.

Initial settings

  • If you already have customer and product data in both Severa and in eAccounting, go through the data. Verify that if same customer or product exists in both systems, that they have the same name and number.

  • Verify that all products, work types and travel expenses have a code set in Severa. The integration will fail if code is missing, since it is a mandatory field in eAccounting.

  • Verify that customers in Severa have one address. The integration will fail if address is missing, since post code and city are required fields in eAccounting.

  • In eAccounting, go to Accounting > Cost centers and add one group where the projects will be stored.

  • In Severa, go to Settings > Invoicing > Invoice statuses, and add four invoice statuses for example like below:

    Invoice status name Not editable Invoice number Sent Paid
    Transfer to eAccounting
    Sent to eAccounting x
    Sent in eAccounting x x x
    Paid in eAccounting x x x x
  • Click Settings > Data transfer and choose Settings tab.

  • Click Connect button next to Cost center for projects.

  • Enter your eAccounting API user's username and password to the Sign in pop-up.

  • Click Allow to give permission for the integration.

  • Select master for customer to be either Severa or eAccounting. Master means a system where you maintain your data, for example update contacts or addresses of customers.

  • Select master for products to be either Severa or eAccounting. Master means a system where you maintain your data, for example do pricing changes for your products.

  • Select the cost center (created in the beginning), where projects are transferred in to.

  • Add a default product number. In eAccounting, there must be an article with this number. It is used on invoice transfer, for those invoice rows which are not connected to any product, work type or travel type.

  • Choose if supplier invoices should be transferred in to Severa as billable items and costs or only costs.

  • Choose the invoice statuses (created in the beginning).

    • Status of invoices to transfer: The status you set for invoices in Severa
    • Status of transferred invoices: The status invoices get once transfer has been succefully made
    • Status of sent invoices: The status of invoices sent to customers from eAccounting
    • Status of paid invoices: The status of invoices paid by customers in eAccounting
  • Save settings and the integration is ready to be used.

Transferring data

To transfer data between Severa and eAccounting, navigate to Data transfer. There is a transfer button for each topic. After transfer button has been clicked, a time stamp appears to tell when was the last transfer made.

Customers, products and projects are transferred so that the integration looks the latest time stamp and transfers all newly added and all updated ones since the previous transfer. The first transfer will move all existing data. For invoices, the integration will transfer all invoices with the selected status. Supplier invoice transfer is controlled by the supplier invoice date. The integration will not transfer the same supplier invoice twice, so it is safe to transfer for example with time frame This week many times during the week.

The eAccounting authentication is valid for only some time. This means that most likely when you come to do your next transfers and you click one of the transfer buttons, you will get the authentication window, where you need to sign in and allow integration to run.

After transfer has been made, either a green or red message will appear at the top. The message will tell you the count of successfully transferred items and the amount of errors, if there were any. Read more about the errors from below.

Error log

If there were any issues with the transfer, you will see a red bar at the top of the screen which tells how many failed items there was. To see which items caused the error, and what the error was, click on the "Error log" tab in Data transfer. New errors will appear at the top of list. Error will explain what couldn't be transferred, to which system it couldn't transfer it and what was the reason. For example: "Could not add product [ProductName] to Visma eAccounting, because product's code is missing from Severa's settings." Based on the error, you must go and fix the issue, then run the transfer again.

Detailed field mapping

Customers / Accounts

Field in eAccounting Field in Severa Mandatory Comments
Customer no Account number yes
Customer name Account name yes
Customer type yes Is always "Company"
Corporate identity no Vat number
Address Address yes From Severa, transfers the first billing address. If there's no billing addresses, transfer the headquarters address. If there are more than two address rows in Severa, those will be shown on the second address line in eAccounting.
Postcode Postal code yes
City City yes
Country Country yes
Vat number Vat number
Phone no. Phone From the address
Email Email
Website Website
Notes Notes
Contact name First name + Last name When transferring to Severa, name is split into first and last name. The last space in ContactPersonName separates the FirstName and LastName. If there is no space in ContactPersonName, question mark is used for FirstName. When transferring to eAccounting, FirstName and LastName are combined to ContactPersonName separated by space. Transfers the first contact person connected to billing address.
Contact email Contact email
Contact phone no. Contact telephone
Contact mobile Contact mobile
Terms of payment Payment terms yes If payment terms haven't been set for an account in Severa, then organization's payment terms are used.
Currency Currency code yes

Articles / Products, Work types, Travel expenses

Field in eAccounting Field in Severa Mandatory Comments
Active Active status yes
Article no Code yes
Article name Name yes
Sales category yes All products added into eAccounting, as default get Services as category. VAT rate will be checked from the product.
Unit Unit yes Integration sets hours for work types, kilometer for mileages, pieces for per diems and other expenses and so are products, unless it's possible to map the correct unit.
Sales price excl. VAT Unit price yes
Sales price incl. VAT Unit price with VAT yes Integration calculates the amount based on unit price and VAT rate

Cost center / Projects

Field in eAccounting Field in Severa Mandatory Comments
Active Open/Closed yes
Short name Case number yes
Name Case name yes

Invoice drafts / Invoices

Field in eAccounting Field in Severa Mandatory Comments
Customer Account name yes
Address Address yes
Postcode Postal code yes
City City yes
Country Country yes
Terms of payment Payment terms yes
Your reference Your reference
Our reference Our reference

Order number

Text row Notes
Text row Invoice free text before invoice rows
Invoice rows yes See more detailed mapping of invoice row from below
Text row Invoice free text after invoice rows
Invoice row in more detail
Article Product code Article defines the VAT of the row/invoice. Vat rate is not transferred from Severa
Article name Description
Quantity Quantity
Unit Unit
Price Unit price
Cost center (for projects) Case number

Supplier invoices / Products on cases

Field in eAccounting Field in Severa Mandatory Comments
Description yes Supplier invoice date + Voucher number + Supplier name
Invoice date Date yes
Quantity yes Always set to "1"
Debit amount Unit cost yes
Debit amount Unit price yes
Tax yes Organization default VAT rate in Severa

Typical errors

Where Error Solution
Customer Could not add customer XXXX, because customer doesn't have an address. Customer does not have addresses. Add at least one address and that address has Postal code and City (mandatory).
Customer Could not add customer XXXX to Visma eAccounting. ErrorCode: 2000, DeveloperErrorMessage: ValidateModelAttributeException - The field Name must be a string with a maximum length of 50. Customer name is over 50 characters long. Name should be modified not to exceed 50 characters.
Customer Could not add customer XXXX to Visma eAccounting. ErrorCode: 2000, DeveloperErrorMessage: ValidateModelAttributeException - The field InvoiceAddress1 must be a string with a maximum length of 50. Check customer's addresses. Addressline 1 (the first row) should not exceed 50 characters.
Invoice Could not add invoice for customer XXXX and project XXXX to Visma eAccounting, because invoice address is missing. Check the invoice and verify that it has a valid address (Address, Postal code and City entered to correct fields). Check that the customer is transferred succesfully to eAccounting. If customer is not transferred check that Name and Addressline 1 do not exceed 50 characters.
Invoice ErrorCode: 2000, DeveloperErrorMessage: ValidateModelAttributeException - The field Name must be a string with a maximum length of 50. Invoice is containing hours, travel expenses or products where the name in registry exceeds 50 characters. Check invoice rows and make appropriate changes to registrys in Settings (Work types, Travel expenses and/or Products).
Invoice ErrorCode: 2000, DeveloperErrorMessage: ValidateModelAttributeException - The field InvoiceAddress1 must be a string with a maximum length of 50. , ErrorId: 25e314fc-32c6-4dbc-88ec-472b66ac541f Check that customer's street address (Addressline 1) does not exceed 50 characters.
Invoice ErrorCode: 4000, DeveloperErrorMessage: CostCenterItemAlreadyExistsException - A cost center item with the provided id or name already exists. Check that project name and number correspond to the cost center name and number.
Product Could not add product XXXX to Visma eAccounting. ErrorCode: 2000, DeveloperErrorMessage: ValidateModelAttributeException - Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Guid'. Path 'CodingId', line 8, position 18. The field Name must be a string with a maximum length of 50. Product name is over 50 characters long. Modify product name in Settings > Products and verify that it does not exceed 50 characters.
Product Could not add travel expense XXXX to Visma eAccounting. ErrorCode: 2000, DeveloperErrorMessage: ValidateModelAttributeException - The field Name must be a string with a maximum length of 50. Travel expense name is over 50 characters long. Modify travel expense name in Settings > Travel expenses and verify that is does not exceed 50 characters.
Product Could not add product XXXX to Visma eAccounting. ErrorCode: 2000, DeveloperErrorMessage: ValidateModelAttributeException - Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Guid'. Path 'CodingId', line 8, position 18. Product does not have VAT. Modify product in Settings > Products and select appropriate VAT.
Product Could not add work type XXXX to Visma eAccounting. ErrorCode: 2000, DeveloperErrorMessage: ValidateModelAttributeException - The field Name must be a string with a maximum length of 50. Work type name is over 50 characters long. Modify work type name in Settings > Work types and verify that is does not exceed 50 characters.
Project Could not add Case XXXX to Visma eAccounting. ErrorCode: 2000, DeveloperErrorMessage: ValidateModelAttributeException - The field Name must be a string with a maximum length of 50. Project name is over 50 characters long. Name should be modified not to exceed 50 characters.
Project Could not add Case XXXX to Visma eAccounting. ErrorCode: 4000, DeveloperErrorMessage: CostCenterItemAlreadyExistsException - A cost center item with the provided id or name already exists. Check if a cost center already exists in eAccounting with the same number. Project name and cost center name must match in both systems.

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