Create your own Custom fields to be shown under employees' profile. Employees can see the custom fields under their profile, but editing the content can be limited to employees with permissions to Users. By default, fields are editable by user's supervisor. Custom fields can also be used in reporting and KPI calculations.

Custom fields are available in Platinum and Enterprise versions.

Manage custom fields

To manage users custom fields go to Settings > Users > Custom fields. Here you can view all existing fields and create new ones.

To create a new custom field click Add custom field and select the type of field you want to add.

  1. Enter a name to the custom field
    • Add a unit for currency and numeric fields (optional)
    • Select the behaviour for a dropdown (single-select or multi-select) and how the values are ordered (custom or alphabetical)
    • Select if user can edit the value
  2. Save the field and it is immediately available under User's profile.

If a certain custom field isn’t needed, you can easily hide it or delete it by hovering over the custom field in question. Use Show hidden custom fields to see all custom fields that have been hidden.

User custom fields in KPIs

After you have added a custom field you can use it as a part of KPI calculation. Supported fields for KPI calculations are numeric and currency types. See more from the KPI creation article.

Add values to custom fields

  • User management: To add a value to a custom field, navigate to Settings > Users > User management, open users profile and navigate to Custom fields section.
  • My profile: Navigate to your profile from the top right and from there to Employee settings > Custom fields.

Custom fields in reporting

A custom field can be added as a value or as a filter to the Users report.

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