Filters help you narrow down the data on the reports. We have pre-selected a few most commonly used filters for each report. You can either use these filters or remove the defaults. Clear selected option appears when you hover your mouse over a filter.
There are also pre-selected values for each report and depending on the report type you can modify the values to your liking.
List reports
Click Select values button to open the list of all selected and available values. You can add new values by clicking on the value in Selected values column. Remove selected values by hovering your mouse over the value and click the remove icon.
Graphical reports
For graphs you can select one Data source (Sales, Number of orders, Billing, Revenue, Sales margin, Margin and Sales activity), Grouping and Time frame. You can also include data from past year, forecasts and view the values using sales probability (weighted values).
Analysis reports
For analysis reports you can select as many values you like but you can only choose three Grouping options. You might also notice that the time frames are more limited that on list reports. You can also include data from past year and forecasts and view the values using sales probability (weighted values).
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