In Severa, invoice templates are preset content that are used as a base when creating a new invoice. Create your own templates to make invoice creation a more faster process.

Add a new invoice template

Go to Settings > Invoicing > Invoice templates to add a new template. You can add as many templates as you like based on your needs.

Basic information

In the basic information section, you can set a billing contact that will be shown as the billing contact person regardless of who creates the invoice.

Address alignment

Receiver's address alignment is fixed and follows the envelope standards of your company's country.

Color scheme

There are preset color schemes available for your PDF document. Select the color and use the layout preview to see how it affects the document.

Logo & footer

Company logo and footer can be previewed here but cannot be changed on the template. Invoices automatically get the information based on your organization or business unit when Organizational hierarchy add-on is in use. To edit the information shown here, go to Settings > Organization > Company settings or Business units.

Here you can also set the visibility of a logo and invoice title and footer.

  • Show logo and invoice title: Choose if your logo and invoice title (for example Invoice and Credit note) are shown on invoice PDF
  • Show footer on invoice: Choose if footer is shown on invoice PDF

Free texts

Enter text that is visible on the invoice before and after invoice rows. In the Free text above rows field you can use automated tags, like Project name and Project number to display the name and number of the project to which the invoice is connected to.

Free text editors support the following formatting options:

  • Four text sizes: Heading 1, heading 2, normal and small
  • Bold, italic and underline
  • Numbered and bullet lists

With the Show free text after invoice total sum checkbox, you can control the position of the element.

Invoice rows and columns

Invoice row description

Define how the invoice row text is created. You can use tags and free text to create descriptions for invoice rows (work hours, travel expenses and products).

When using tags, always use Add tags button because all items have their own tags in use. When adding more one than one tag, comma and a space are automatically added between tags. You can also add your own free text, if needed.

Invoice columns

Invoice columns selection defines how detailed information is shown on invoice rows. Define the columns visible on the invoice, Description and Total price are always shown:

  • Quantity
  • Unit
  • Unit price
  • VAT

Invoice row grouping

It is possible to show total amount of work hours, travel expenses and fees as subtotals on invoice. This is controlled by a checkbox.

Use item grouping to define if work hours, travel expenses and/or products should be grouped on invoice.

Use checkbox to enable grouping, then define how items should be grouped. You can also attach a breakdown of individual rows. In the breakdown, the items will have the description defined in Invoice row descriptions and the columns are shown based on the selections made in Invoice columns > Show columns.

It's not always possible to group all similar items to one row. For example when grouping work hours, only entries that have same unit price will be grouped as one row. Same applies to cost centers.

Invoice breakdown columns

Define what information is shown on invoice breakdown, if attached to invoice:

  • Unit
  • Unit price
  • VAT
  • Total price


Add PDF files to the invoice template, for example company's terms and conditions. Invoice pages (invoice and breakdown) and attachments are combined in the printout in the same order as they are shown here. To change the order, hover your mouse over a row and drag it to its correct place.

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