With the customer data import tool, you can create new customers and contacts, and add data to existing customers (with certain restrictions).

Customer name is the only mandatory field.

The easiest way to get started is by downloading the template file from the path Settings > Data imports > Customer import. The template file contains columns for possible additional data and examples of how the data should be formatted in the CSV file. You can also use a self-created file, but ensure that its first row is the header row of the data to be imported.

You can use the customer data import to add data and Settings to existing customers. Data that can be added:

  • Addresses
  • Contacts
  • Industries
  • Contact roles
  • Contact keywords
  • Customer groups

To add data, enter the customer name as an identifier on each row and input the desired data into the columns.

Admin permissions are required for data imports.

Notes before start

  • Customer data can be imported using a CSV file
  • CSV files can be created and edited with spreadsheet software
  • Do not use double quotes ("), semicolons (;) or line breaks (Enter) in your data
  • Use semicolon (;) as a separator in the file
  • Special characters, including Ä, Ö, Å, need to be encoded according to ISO/IEC 8859-1, Windows-1252, or UTC-8 standards.

Import data

  1. Go to Settings > Data imports > Customer import
  2. Select the file you want to import from your computer (drag and drop the file into the box or browse files)
  3. Check the status of the file contents in the Import data view and fix possible errors
  4. In the Settings section, you have the possibility to approve:
    • Adding new values to Customer settings.
    • Updating existing customer's data. Note that modifying or deleting added settings, contacts, customer groups, or any other added data is not possible.
  5. Click the Import data button after checking the data
  6. After a successful import, a list of imported customers and contacts will appear
    • If you receive error messages at this stage, correct the data or remove the row, and try the import again.

Field formatting

Below are the column headers and their field formatting guidelines for correctly uploading the CSV file.

Field name Field type Restrictions Comment
Customer name Text Max 100 characters
VAT number Text Max 50 characters
Customer number Numeric
Account owner Text Max 100 characters Format: Firstname Lastname.

The account owner must already exist in the system, or the person who is performing the import will be appointed as the account owner.
Industry Text Max 100 characters
Language Text Max 100 characters For example English (US), Danish or Finnish.
Currency Text Valid currency code, e.g. USD, EUR, or GBP, from the list of currencies. Imported currency codes will only be recognized if the currency has been activated in the system settings (Settings > Organization > Currencies).
Office phone Alphanumeric Max 50 characters Only one address per customer.
Contact salutation Valid format is 'Ms.' 'Mrs.' or 'Mr.' Salutations are translated after importing.
Number of employees Numeric
Annual revenue Numeric
Customer description Text Max 4000 characters
Website Text Max 200 characters
Payment term Numeric
Customer email Text Max 200 characters
eInvoice address Text Max 50 characters
eInvoice operator Text Max 50 characters Enter operator code, not operator name.
Address line 1 Text Max 100 characters When AddressLine1, 2 and 3 are filled in the CSV, all the address lines are taken to the Address field and separated with line break.
Address line 2 Text Max 100 characters When AddressLine1, 2 and 3 are filled in the CSV, all the address lines are taken to the Address field and separated with line break.
Address line 3 Text Max 100 characters When AddressLine1, 2 and 3 are filled in the CSV, all the address lines are taken to the Address field and separated with line break.
Postal code Text Max 50 characters
City Text Max 50 characters
State Text Max 50 characters Should be entered only when Country is United States. Only valid states of United States are recognized, for example "Alabama" or  "California".
Country Text Max 100 characters Only valid countries are recognized, for example Finland, United Kingdom and Japan.
Is billing address Numeric Any other value than 1 is ignored. Enter "1" to mark the address on the row as billing address.
Is office address Numeric Any other value than 1 is ignored. Enter "1" to mark the address on the row as office address.
Is postal address Numeric Any other value than 1 is ignored. Enter "1" to mark the address on the row as postal address.
Contact first name Text Max 100 characters
Contact last name Text Max 100 characters
Contact title Text Max 100 characters
Contact role Text Max 100 characters
Contact email Text Max 200 characters Only one address per contact.
Contact phone Alphanumeric Max 200 characters
Contact mobile Alphanumeric Max 200 characters
Contact birthdate Alphanumeric Valid date format according to personal formatting options (My profile > Personal details > Formatting & language). For example in English (US): 2023-01-20.
Contact description Text Max 200 characters
Contact keywords Text Max 50 characters
Customer groups Text Max 200 characters
Custom field* Currency
Custom field* Date
Custom field* Numeric
Custom field* Text
Custom field* Text

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