The ultimate aim of resourcing is to maximize the utilization rate by providing transparency to personnel workload, so you can make the right decisions about who is going to be working on a specific project or task and when. This is just as important in the sales phase as it is when planning or following up on a project.
With resource allocations, you basically give limits to how much time people can spend on different projects or phases in projects. It is important to distinguish that resourcing aims to answer questions like "which designer can work 10 h on my project next week", rather than "who is available at 2 pm on Wednesday for 2 hours", which is more about calendar usage and activity management.
In principle, resource allocations are closely tied to work hour estimates on project. Resource allocations on a given phase or project should not exceed the work hour estimates, as it is merely a more detailed division of who will spend the hours you have planned to complete your project.
Basis of workload calculations
How much hours you can allocate to a person depends on that person’s work contract (daily hours and weekly workdays), and the organization’s work week settings. If the work week is set to cover Monday to Friday, and the person has 8 as daily hours in his work contract, the person is then normally expected to work 40 hours in a week. If you allocate 40 hours to that person for one week, the person will be shown to have 100% workload.
In different views, colour coding is used to indicate the level of workload of a person: the darker the shade of grey, the more workload, and red indicates ⪰ 100%.
Absences and public holidays
If a person is for example on holiday or on sick leave, you can see an orange-striped overlay for that person in that time frame. Also, absences mean a person cannot be used on a project, so it adds 100% that person’s workload.
Public holidays are shown with gray-striped overlay. When there is a public holiday, it lessens the amount of time a person has available on the time frame it occurs.
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