Control the settings related to flextime calculation.

Flextime calculation start date

Start tracking the flextime by specifying a date from which onwards flextime is calculated for the employees. If a date is not entered, the flextime will not be calculated.

When a new employee starts in your organization, for them flextime calculation starts from the start date of their work contract.

Flextime recalculation

If changes that affect work hours on organizational level are made in Severa, you should always recalculate flextime for all employees. For example, when a new public holiday is added or removed.

If you make changes that affects only one or a few employees (for example if you fix the amount of daily hours in user's work contract), you can recalculate flextime in Settings > Users > User management under Employee settings > Flextime.

Flextime limits

Define the maximum amount of surplus and deficit hours that a person can accumulate in total. Hours in excess of the maximum surplus are not recognized.

When the limits are in use, the employee can see them in Time & Expenses.

Flextime adjustment

Flextime adjustments are manual changes made to employees Work hour balance. Flextime adjustments are made through employees settings which can be found under Settings > User management by opening the users profile. To add a new flextime adjustment navigate to Employee settings > Flextime and click Add flextime adjustment:

  • Add more flextime by entering a positive amount of hours,
  • or decrease flextime by entering a negative amount of hours.

In the Adjustment date field specify the date to which you want to apply the adjustment.

Public holidays

Public holidays are days when employees are not expected to work. Usually, holidays are nationally recognized, paid days off for all employees. Holidays can be entered for various countries and for the period of many years.

Manage holidays

To manage public holidays, go to Settings > Time & Expenses > Public holidays. Holidays are set per country per year. When adding a new holiday that occurs on the same day every year, just select the every year checkbox. When the checkbox is selected you have the possibility to enter a year until which it continues.

Public holidays added manually, can be edited freely by clicking the row. If you wish to disable or delete public holiday, just hover your mouse over the row and the available actions appear.

Automatically generated holidays cannot be edited or deleted, but can be disabled.

Partial public holidays

In addition, there is a possibility to add company-wide partial holidays. Partial public holidays affect the calculation of daily expected hours, flextime and resourcing, and can be recognized of the orange color in different calendar and timeline views.

  1. Click Add holiday
  2. Enter the holiday a descriptive name, for example Shortened workday
  3. Select the date when it occurs
  4. Mark the Partial day checkbox
  5. Enter the Duration, for example “1,5”, “1:30”, “1h 30m” or “1h 30min"
  6. If the partial holiday occurs yearly on a specific date, mark the Every year checkbox
  7. Save your holiday

If you add holidays (all day or partial) to past, remember to recalculate the flextime for your company in Flextime settings (Flextime recalculation).

What defines the public holidays visible for user?

Public holidays visible for an employee are based on the country selected for the user. To check that the user's country is properly set, go to User management and edit the user in question. Country can be found under Personal details section.

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