With Formstack (previously WebMerge) you can create various templates of your choice. Formstack also offers very good options to deliver your proposals to your customers, for example directly sending an email, or sharing documents through Google Drive. Read more about the possibilities Formstack offers and register for a free trial from their website https://www.formstack.com/.

Even though the integration is free, Formstack charges you based on the plan you have chosen (volume of documents) per month. See the pricing options from their website: https://www.formstack.com/pricing/documents.

How does it work?

To get started, in Severa, activate the Formstack integration feature from your company's subscription management. After enabling the add-on, register yourself a Formstack account and enter the API key and secret from Formstack into Severa's settings.

Create document templates in Formstack, using either their own document builder or by uploading Office documents or PDFs. All the available tags to map your proposal information with the template can be found from Settings > Formstack in Severa.

You can send your proposals into Formstack by clicking the Formstack button on top of each proposal. You will see all the templates you've created in Formstack and you have an option to download a test document, to review your proposal before you actually send it to Formstack. When proposal is sent to Formstack, a copy of the proposal is saved to the project in Severa.

How to create the proposal rows into the template?

Subtotal, proposal rows and VAT calculation of the total amount have to be looped into a table in order for them to work. Even if your proposal doesn't have subtotals, they need to be looped in the template, in order to show the proposal rows. You can choose which columns to show and in what order.

The VAT amount of the total sum also requires a table, since proposal can have many VATs. Total amount can be shown on it's own, without looping the VATs.

To get the rows into the template, create a table as is shown below. The "tablerow" tags are required to create the loop, and the subtotal must be on a separate row from the proposal row. See from the examples how you can tweak this.

Description Quantity Unit price Total price
{tablerow from=$Subtotals item=sub} {$sub.Name} {$sub.TotalPriceExcludingVat}
{tablerow from=$sub.Rows item=row} {$row.Description} {$row.Quantity} {$row.UnitPrice} {/tablerow}{/tablerow}{$row.TotalPriceExcludingVat}
Total excl. VAT {$ProposalTotalAmountExcludingVat}
{tablerow from=$ProposalVats item=vats} {$vats.VatPercentage} % VAT {$vats.TotalVatAmount}
Total incl. VAT {$ProposalTotalAmountIncludingVat}

Frequently asked questions

Who is the sender contact person?

Sender contact is the sales person.

Who is the receiver contact person?

Receiver contact is the account contact of the sales case.

Is organizational hierarchy supported? Meaning if there are several companies using same environment.

One Severa environment can be linked to one Formstack account, so all documents go to one Formstack account.

However, when using the Sender tags, such as SenderName or SenderVatNumber, those are checked from the business units which have VAT numbers and are therefore considered as sender companies.

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