Transfer invoices electronically directly from Severa to Fivaldi. Fivaldi is a cloud service for financial and property management, covering tools for both financial management and property management professionals, as well as solutions for outsourcing financial management together with an accounting firm.
The integration transfers sales invoices and related customers from Severa to Fivaldi. In the integration settings, it can be defined whether attachments are transferred with the sales invoices. Severa's sales invoices are transferred to Fivaldi as orders, not directly to the ledger.
The operation of the integration is based on invoice statuses. Invoices from Severa that are in the status specified in the settings Invoice status to be transferred are transferred to Fivaldi. When the integration has successfully transferred an invoice to Fivaldi, the invoice status is automatically changed according to the settings to Invoice status after transfer. The integration transfers invoices automatically in the background every five minutes.
The customer related to the invoice is transferred from Severa to Fivaldi during the invoice transfer. Details of the transferred data can be found in the table at the bottom of the guide.
Things to consider before starting
- Before implementation, Severa must be allowed access to the Fivaldi environment. This is done by the accounting firm from the management of the Fivaldi service. More information can be found in the technical guide and, if necessary, from Fivaldi customer support.
- Implementing the integration and setting the settings requires administrator rights in Severa.
Implementation in Severa
Transfer of customers
The transfer of customers occurs from Severa to Fivaldi during the invoice transfer, linking Severa's customer information to Fivaldi's customer information. After this, certain changes in customer information are updated to Fivaldi (see more information in the tables below).
If a customer is created in Fivaldi and the same customer is then created as a new customer in Severa, an extra corresponding customer is created in Fivaldi. This is because not all customers can be reliably linked between systems, for example, based on the business ID.
For the transfer, the following mandatory information must be found on the Contact Information tab of the customer card in Severa:
- Business ID
- Additionally, one of the following: e-invoicing information, email, or address
- If it is a private customer without a business ID, enter the word private person in place of the business ID
If you want to force the customer's invoice to be sent by email, you must replace the eInvoice Address and Intermediator ID field information with the word EMAIL written in capital letters in the customer's settings in Severa. If you want to force the customer's invoice to be sent by mail, you must replace the eInvoice Address and Intermediator ID field information with the word PRINT written in capital letters in the customer's settings in Severa.
Products, work types, and travel expenses
Before implementation, it must be ensured that products, work types, and travel expenses are linked using codes between systems. Changes made to products, work types, or travel expenses are not synchronized in the integration between systems, but changes must always be made manually in both Severa and Fivaldi.
Product settings
- Open Settings from the gear icon in Severa
- Go to Work time, travel expense & product registers
- Open Products
- Add a new product or edit an existing product
- Assign an identifier to billable products that corresponds to the product code in Fivaldi
Invoice lines not based on a product will result in an error during invoice transfer, meaning they cannot be used on the invoice when the integration is active. If the invoice line is based on a product, the product must be added to the product register with the same identifier in both systems.
Work type settings
- Open Settings from the gear icon in Severa
- Go to Work time, travel expense & product registers
- Open Work types
- Add a new work type or edit an existing work type
- Assign an identifier to billable work types that corresponds to the work type code in Fivaldi
Travel expense settings
- Open Settings from the gear icon in Severa
- Go to Work time, travel expense & product registers
- Open Travel expense types
- Add a new work type or edit an existing travel expense type
- Assign an identifier to billable travel expense types that corresponds to the travel expense type code in Fivaldi
Invoice statuses
The integration operates automatically based on invoice statuses, so two invoice statuses are defined in Severa:
- Invoice status from which the integration picks invoices every five minutes to be transferred to Fivaldi
- Invoice status to which the integration automatically transfers successfully transferred invoices to Fivaldi
Define the necessary invoice statuses in Severa's settings:
- Open Settings from the gear icon in Severa
- Go to Billing > Invoice statuses
- Create new invoice statuses or edit existing invoice statuses so that there is a separate status for invoices waiting to be transferred to Fivaldi and for invoices transferred to Fivaldi
- Invoice statuses can be named, for example, Transfer to Fivaldi and Transferred to Fivaldi
Integration setup settings
- Open Settings from the gear icon in Severa
- Go to Integrations > Fivaldi
- Set invoice statuses
- Invoice status to be transferred: e.g., Transfer to Fivaldi. The integration automatically picks invoices from this status to be transferred forward.
- Invoice status after transfer: e.g., Transferred to Fivaldi. The integration automatically transfers successfully sent invoices to this status.
- Select the default posting group for new customers
- Select the default invoice delivery method
- Optionally, specify an email address(es) to receive possible transfer errors via email
- Select Send email when the integration reports an error
- Add the necessary email addresses. You can choose from existing Severa users or add any email address by entering it directly into the text field.
Creating invoice data
- Create an invoice in Severa
- Change the invoice status to the status defined in the settings as Invoice status to be transferred (e.g., Transfer to Fivaldi)
The integration attempts to transfer invoices automatically in the background every five minutes. If the transfer to order is successful, the integration automatically transfers the invoice(s) to the invoice status defined in the integration settings after the transfer, e.g., Transferred to Fivaldi.
If the transfer fails and the invoice(s) remain in error, the errors can be seen in the transfer log. A possible email message about errors is also sent if this setting is selected in the integration settings.
Transfer log
Possible errors in invoice transfer can be found in the integration Transfer Log as follows:
- Open Integrations from the gear icon
- Select Transfer Log
- Select Integration name from the dropdown menu Fivaldi
- You can optionally filter log events by time and log level
Data transfer from Severa to Fivaldi
The table below provides more detailed information about the data transferred between systems.
Sales invoice data
Severa | Fivaldi API | Fivaldi UI | Character limit | Additional information |
Invoice number | externalOrderNumber | Not transferred | 100 | |
Reference number | invoiceReference | Not transferred | 80 | |
Invoice date | deliveryDate | Delivery date | 10 | |
Due date | Not transferred | Calculated based on payment terms | ||
Entry date | orderDate | Order date | 10 | |
Customer number | customerId | Customer ID | 10 | |
Customer name | buyerOrganisationName | Name | 40 | |
Customer name | buyerOrganisationName2 | Additional name | 40 | |
Address | streetName | Street address | 35 | |
Address | streetName2 | Street address 2 | 35 | |
Postal code | postCodeIdentifier | Postal code | 35 | |
City | townName | City | 35 | |
Country | countryCode | Country | 3 | Country code according to ISO 3166-1 standard |
Your reference | orderIdentifier | Your order | 70 | |
Our reference | invoiceReference | Our reference | 80 | |
Order number | externalOrderNumber | Not transferred | ||
Payment term | paymentTermId | Payment term | 70 | |
Billing contact person | Not transferred | |||
Notes | rowFreeText | Text row | 512 | |
Free text field above invoice lines | rowFreeText | Text row | 512 | |
Free text field below invoice lines | rowFreeText | Text row | 512 | |
Reverse VAT liability description field | Not transferred | |||
Currency | currency | Currency | Euro € is the only supported currency | |
Exchange rate | currencyRate | Exchange rate | 1 | |
Language | languageCode | Language | 3 | Finnish, Swedish, English are supported languages |
Posting group | postingGroupId | Posting group | 10 | |
Transmission type | transmissionTypeId | Transmission type | 10 |
Invoice line data
Severa | Fivaldi API | Fivaldi UI | Character limit | Additional information |
Tracking target | accountDimension1,2,3,4 | Sk1, Sk2, Sk3, Sk4 | 8 | The accountId value in use from Fivaldi company's dimensions (Accounts / Project / Cost center) |
Item | description | Product name | 80 | |
Product code | productCode | Product code | 20 | |
Quantity | quantity | Quantity | 10 | |
Unit price | unitPriceExcludingTax | Unit price (EUR) | 10 | Unit price of the invoice line |
Product unit | unitId | Unit | 10 | The ID in use from Fivaldi's units or textRow |
Customer data
Severa | Fivaldi API | Fivaldi UI | Character limit | Additional information | Updated to Fivaldi |
customerId | Customer ID | 10 | Fivaldi sets the value | No | |
Customer number | externalId | 30 | External customer ID | No | |
Business ID | businessId | Business ID | 30 | No | |
Customer name | customerName | Name | 40 | Customer name is divided into two fields if the name exceeds 40 characters. Maximum length is 80 characters. | No |
Customer name | customerName2 | Additional name | 40 | Customer name is divided into two fields if the name exceeds 40 characters. Maximum length is 80 characters. | No |
Email 1 | 80 | Yes | |||
Website | website | Website | 80 | No | |
Business ID | Business ID | ||||
Currency | currency | Currency | 3 | No | |
Language code | languageCode | Language | 3 | Finnish (FIN) | No |
Late interest | customerInterestPercent | Late interest | 4 | Yes | |
Internal additional information | privateAdditionalInfo | Additional information | 80 | Notes | No |
Recipient's eInvoice address identifier | finvoiceOtherIdentifier | eInvoice address | 30 | eInvoiceAddress | Yes |
Recipient's intermediary identifier | intermediatorCode | Intermediary identifier | 30 | eInvoiceOperator | Yes |
Typical error messages in the transfer log
- Free text below rows cannot exceed 512 characters
- The character field exceeds the maximum limit. Shorten the number of characters in the text field.
- Product code with id 100 does not exist on Fivaldi company
- The code used in Severa is not found in the Fivaldi register. Use an existing code or update the Fivaldi register.
- Sales order row with Product code 100 does not have posting set
- The product is missing a posting group. Add a posting group to the product in Fivaldi.
- Item's code cannot be empty
- The product does not have an identifier added in the product register. Update the identifier for the product in the product register settings, which can be found in the path Settings > Work time, travel expense & product registers > Products.
- Row description cannot exceed 80 characters.
- The number of characters in the Description field of the invoice line exceeds the allowed limit (80 characters). Return the invoice to Draft status and shorten the number of characters in the description, then try the transfer again.
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