Use absence types for entering and reporting different kind of absences, for example holidays and sick leave.

For privacy reasons, only admin users and supervisors can view the details of an absence (name, description). All other users only see that the employee is out of office / not available.

Manage absence types

Available absence types are managed through Settings > Work time, travel expense & product registries > Absence types.

You can add new types based on your needs and edit the existing ones. To add a new absence type, click Add absence type and enter a descriptive name for it. When flextime calculation is in use, select if the absence type is considered as paid leave or not (preserves flextime). Preserves flextime option should be set as Yes for almost all absence types because it will keep flextime unchanged during employee’s leave.

To disable or delete an absence type, just hover over the row and the available actions appear.

How to create absence type for unpaid leave when using flextime?

Unpaid leave refers to time off from work when employee does not receive a salary. Examples of unpaid leave could be extra vacation days or unpaid sick leave. Because unpaid leave affects salary it is considered as paid leave in Severa.

If you need to report the different types of unpaid leave, create absence types for all of them. Remember to mark the Preserves flextime checkbox.

How to create absence type for flextime?

If you want to report the usage of flextime, you can create an absence type for it. When employees use this absence type when using their flextime, it can be reported for example on Activities report. As flextime should decrease the amount of flextime for the user, Preserves flextime checkbox should not be checked.

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