You can manage your personal user information and settings in My profile. Access this from the top navigation bar. My profile view is divided into different sections and you can move around by using the left-side navigation or search. When updating your account information, you are redirected to the Visma Connect settings page, which opens in a separate browser window. These settings include:

  • Changing email address
  • Editing your security settings
  • Change password
  • Enable two-step verification

Personal details

Control your own personal details, and change the Formatting & language settings of your Severa environment (formatting of date-time and number formats, Language and Time zone).

Here you can also add links to your favorite websites to access them faster from the My profile menu.

Employee settings

Information related to your employment:

  • your work contracts,
  • flextime (when enabled to your organization in Settings),
  • user keywords,
  • notes,
  • custom fields (when enabled to your organization in Settings),
  • and cost per hour exceptions.

Security & password

Access personal security settings controlled in Visma Connect, or send password reset link to set a new password for account.


Control both email and security notifications.

Work hours

Stopwatch suggestions

Control what is visible in Stopwatch view to start timings more easily. You can include projects marked as your favorite and up to 20 recent timings.

Stopwatch reminders

Set reminders for yourself regarding Stopwatch usage. Reminders will be shown on work days at your desired time.

Work hour suggestions

Control what is shown as Suggested work hour entries in Time & Expenses:

  • Recent entries
  • Resourced projects
  • Favorite projects

Work hour entry

Control if work hour description is copied from previous entry. When enabled, description is copied from the previous entry created for the same project/phase/work type.

Time & Expenses view

Control if weekends are visible in the Time & Expenses view.

Work hour rounding

Enable easy rounding of work hours and set rules how to round the entries. When enabled, rounding can be easily done by hovering over the work hour entry. When hovering over the rounding icon, you can also see the rounding rule, for example "Round up to nearest 15 minutes".

Calendar & activities

Control what is shown in Schedule > Calendar:

  • day start and day end
  • first day of the week
  • if weekends are shown (week view)
  • if identical calendar events are grouped

Settings can also be managed in the Calendar view.


View your permissions in detail. To edit the permissions, contact your supervisor or company admin.


Enable SOAP API and create API key to authenticate data transfers between Severa and third-party solutions. Here you can also check the existing API key and reset the existing API key.

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