With Severa-Procountor integration it is possible to transfer sales invoices, travel reimbursements and purchase invoices on schedule, within a range of 10 minutes. Integration transfers invoices automatically from defined invoice status. Additionally projects, cost centers and business units are transferred automatically for dimensioning purposes. Purchase invoices can be transferred from Procountor into Severa as project expenses.
Integration is supported in Finland and Sweden.
- Company must have an agreement with Procountor for using Procountor and the integration.
- When company switches from old integration interface to the new one, it is the company's responsibility to notify Procountor of the termination of the old integration interface.
- Travel reimbursements can only be created and transferred if the Travel reimbursement add-on is enabled in Severa (included in Severa’s Business, Platinum, and Enterprise versions).
- Severa’s invoice numbering cannot be used in Procountor. The invoice numbering is always determined by Procountor. You can find Severa’s invoice number in Procountor’s Original invoice number field. This information is internal and is not included on the customer’s invoice.
- The invoice sender's information comes from Procountor's company information.
Integration is available in Business, Platinum and Enterprise version of Severa.
Customer register is transferred along with sales invoice from Severa to Procountor. Customer data is transferred to Procountor's customer register when the first sales invoice is created and transferred.
Customers must have a business ID (VAT number) and customer number, as these details are used to match the data to business partners in Procountor’s register. The business ID and customer number must match between the systems to ensure invoices are attributed to the correct customer in Procountor, avoiding duplicate customer entries.
Below are the basic principles of matching invoice data in the business partner register:
- If the same business ID and customer number are found in Severa’s invoice data as in Procountor’s business partner register, the match is made to this partner.
- If the same business ID is found, but with a different customer number, no match is made, and a new business partner is created in Procountor if needed.
- If the same customer number is found, but with a different business ID, no match is made, and an error message will be shown in logs.
Product register is transferred along with the sales invoice from Severa to Procountor. Product data is transferred to Procountor's product register when the first sales invoice is created and transferred.
The codes of Severa’s work types and products must match the product register in Procountor. Travel expenses must also have the same codes in both of the systems. Travel expense codes change annually, and the new codes can be checked in Procountor.
Products without a code will be transferred with the default code specified in the settings. The default code should also exist in the Procountor's product register.
Projects, cost centers and business units are transferred from Severa to Procountor automatically to dimensions, specified in integration settings. If a dimension item is closed or inactivated, its status will also be updated in Procountor.
Invoices and travel reimbursements are transferred from Severa to Procountor from selected invoice status automatically. Invoice status for invoices to be transferred is defined in Severa's integration settings.
Purchase invoices are imported into Severa after being dimensioned to projects in Procountor, and when the status is Approved, Payment queued, Payment sent to bank, Partially paid, Paid, or Marked paid.
Attachments of travel invoices (the travel invoice + all attachments as one file) are transferred in the integration.
For sales invoices, you can choose to:
- transfer the PDF file, which includes attachments,
- transfer the invoice breakdown which transfers attachments without the PDF of Severa's invoice,
- or leave the attachments out.
If you do not select to transfer the attachments, the attachment will be transferred if the invoice uses grouping with the attachment file. Attachments are transferred with both e-invoices and paper invoices.
Sales and travel invoice attachments must be in GIF, JPEG or PDF form. The name of the file must not contain any special characters. The maximum file size for attachments is 10 MB.
First you need to allow API usage:
- Log in to Procountor
- Navigate to Management > Company info > Usage settings > Allow the usage of invoiceable API clients
- Add new technical API user from Management > Users and privileges > Create new user. Name the user by company name, Software name, API.
- Modify technical API user’s user rights from Management > Users and privileges. Go through each permission section and set to All rights.
- To ensure proper access control activate the Allow only M2M login to API selection. This ensures the integration interface has restricted rights, separate from the user interface.
Then you need to create the API key:
- Navigate to API client keys page via Basics menu located in the top right corner.
- Click New API key and create a new API key.
- Insert text VismaSeveraClient into the Client ID field.
- Click Create. After saving the details a new integration-specific key is created and displayed.
- Copy the displayed API key to your clipboard.
- Paste the copied API key to Integration settings Settings > Integrations > Procountor> General > API key > Edit (pen icon).
- Click Save.
Admin user is able to create a key for any valid user in the organization. This makes it possible to create a technical API user account, which is allowed to use the API, but is not allowed to log in to the regular UI.
Navigate to settings from wheel icon > Settings > Organization > Chart of accounts.
- Edit/add the sales accounts used in Procountor to Severa.
- Define all sales accounts used in Procountor.
- You can separately select a default sales account for work hours, travel expenses, and products.
- Enter the name and number of the sales account. The sales account number must match the number defined in Procountor.
Edit/add products used in Procountor to Severa and add Severa’s products to Procountor. If desired, you can use the same code for all products. If so, you can skip defining products and move to the next step. Products will then transfer to Procountor with the default code.
- Navigate to settings from wheel icon > Settings > Work time, travel expense & product registries > Products.
- Add a new product or edit existing ones.
- Enter a code for the product and select a sales account to be used (you can also define other details for the product if desired). The code must match the product code in Procountor.
- Define all products used in Procountor.
Edit/add work types and work type codes used in Severa to match products in Procountor. Work types ensure the hours on the invoice are allocated to Procountor’s product register.
- Navigate to settings from wheel icon > Settings > Work time, travel expense & product registries > Work types.
- Add codes for all work types used in Severa, targeting them as products in Procountor.
Edit/add the travel expenses used in Severa to match Procountor’s travel expense register. Travel expense codes in Severa must be the same as in Procountor. Codes change annually in Procountor, admin user must update the data in Severa.
- Navigate to settings from wheel icon > Settings > Work time, travel expense & product registries > Travel expense types.
- Add codes for all travel expenses used in Severa, targeting them as travel expenses in Procountor.
Navigate to settings from wheel icon > Settings > Organization > Bank accounts. Click the pencil icon and edit the bank account number to IBAN format.
Create invoice statuses in Severa from which sales invoice data will be loaded into Procountor.
- Navigate to settings from wheel icon > Settings > Invoicing > Invoice statuses.
- Add a new invoice status, e.g. Waiting for transfer to Procountor. Select the following settings for the status: Not editable, Invoice number, Sent. You can also set this status as the default for credit invoices if necessary.
- When invoices are transferred to Procountor, they automatically change status. You can add a status such as Transferred to Procountor or use the Sent status for this purpose.
- Drag and drop the invoice statuses in to an order so that the status with Paid setup remains below the new statuses.
If Travel reimbursement add-on is enabled in Severa, fill in the personal identity number and bank account information for every user. Without a personal ID travel reimbursement will not be transferred to Procountor. Ensure the same personal identity number is also defined in Procountor.
- Navigate to settings from wheel icon > Settings > User management.
- Open the user's profile by clicking user's name.
- Add the user's personal identity number/code and bank account number.
Create travel reimbursement statuses in Severa from which the travel reimbursement data is loaded to Procountor.
- Navigate to settings from wheel icon > Settings > Time & Expenses > Travel reimbursement > Travel reimbursement statuses.
- Add a new travel reimbursement status, for example Waiting for transfer to Procountor. Select the following settings for the status: Locked and Approved. You can also use the existing Approved status.
- When travel reimbursement is transferred to Procountor, it will automatically change status. Add a status Transferred to Procountor, with the settings Locked and Approved.
If your company has used the old integration interface before, integration settings will be filled in automatically.
Navigate to settings from wheel icon > Settings > Integrations > Procountor > Integration settings.
Click Add settings and choose the desired Company and click Save.
Define the needed transfer settings. Make sure that the API key received from Procountor is in place. Integration will not activate without it. If API key is correct you will be able to view all existing Procountor dimensions and select accordingly in the Dimension names section.
Continue with general transfer settings and ensure all required fields are filled in:
- Choose whether customers are created in Procountor's customer register.
- Choose whether products are added to Procountor's product register.
- Define the default code for products. The default code must also be found in Procountor's product register.
- Define the default code for work types. The default code must also be found in Procountor's product register.
- Define the default code for travel expenses. The default code must also be found in Procountor's travel expense register.
- Choose dimension names for business units, projects and cost centers.
- If you want to receive email notifications of errors in integration check the box Send email when integration reports on errors.
- Select the travel reimbursement statuses in Severa before and after transfer.
- Select travel reimbursement status in Procountor after transfer. Initially, it is recommended to select the status Not finished, allowing you to edit and check the travel expense in Procountor.
- Choose whether the business unit is transferred as dimension information for the travel expense line to Procountor.
- Choose whether the cost center is transferred as dimension information for the travel expense line to Procountor.
- Choose whether the project is transferred as dimension information for the travel expense line to Procountor.
- Select whether Severa's users are updated in Procountor's personal register.
- Select the invoice status from which the invoices are transferred to Procountor. It can be for example Waiting for transfer to Procountor.
- Select the Status to which invoices are transferred after transfer for example Transferred to Procountor or Sent.
- Select the Status to which invoices are transferred in Procountor. Initially, it is recommended to select Not finished, allowing you to edit and check invoices in Procountor.
- Choose whether the business unit is transferred as dimension information for the invoice line to Procountor.
- Choose whether the cost center is transferred as dimension information for the invoice line to Procountor.
- Choose whether the project is transferred as dimension information for the invoice line to Procountor.
- Select whether attachments are transferred with the invoice or not (an invoice attachment is an invoice PDF = invoice pages, breakdown + attachments). If you want to transfer only the invoice breakdown page, do not change the setting and leave the selection as Not selected.
- Optionally, enable email sending of invoices. When checkbox is marked, the following logic is used for choosing the sending channel:
- If the customer has e-invoice information filled in their customer information, the invoice is sent as an e-invoice.
- If the customer does not have e-invoice information filled but a contact person with an email address has been selected for the invoice, the invoice is sent by email.
- If the customer does not have e-invoice information filled and no contact person has been selected for the invoice or the contact person has no email address added, the invoice is sent by mail.
Purchase invoice transfer does not require any specific settings and it can be activated and deactivated separately. Create a purchase invoice in Procountor and dimension it to a project. Update invoice’s status to one of the following: Approved, Payment queued, Payment sent to bank, Partially paid, Paid, or Marked paid. Costs will be transferred within 10 minutes.
When all required information is filled you are able to activate the integration from main toggle which is found from the top right corner of the General section.
When the main toggle is enabled you can separately enable or disable Travel reimbursement and Purchase invoice transfer later in the relevant settings section.
Follow the same instructions as above but first select the company from the Company menu settings which you are configuring. Settings needs to be defined for all business units that are companies and have their own VAT number.
Leave all other business units undefined, as the integration can transfer data only based on the business unit hierarchy.
Invoice material | Severa | Procountor | Character limit / other information |
counterParty / contactPersonName | Billing contact person | Contact person | 28. The company's own contact person in the detailed information section of the invoice. The invoicing contact person and the Customer contact person are separated with a / sign. |
counterParty / identifier | Customer business ID (from the invoice) | Business ID or national identification number | |
counterParty / customerNumber | Customer number (from customer card) | The customer's customer number | |
counterParty / counterPartyAddress / name | Customer name (from the invoice) | Customer's address / Name and details | 80 |
counterParty / counterPartyAddress / street | Customer's address (from the invoice) | Customer's address / Street address | 80. Note that the address information is mandatory when the invoicing channel is mail. |
counterParty / counterPartyAddress / city | Customer's city (from the invoice) | Customer's address / Postal address | 40 |
counterParty / counterPartyAddress / zip | Customer's postal code (from the invoice) | Customer's address / Postal code | 20 |
counterParty / counterPartyAddress / country | Customer's country code (based on address country) | Customer's address / Country code | |
type | Invoice type | SALES_INVOICE | |
originalInvoiceNumber | Invoice number | Biller's invoice number | Procountor's own invoice number is always used for Procountor's invoice. If needed, you can get Severa's invoice number in Biller's invoice number field. Note that for sales invoices and travel invoices the use of theOther system invoice number field must be agreed separately with Procountor. |
date | Invoice date | Invoice date | |
orderReference | Order number | Order reference | 70 |
additionalInformation | Our reference / Your reference / Notes / Free text above the invoice rows / Free text below the invoice rows | More information | 10 000 |
paymentInfo / dueDate | Due date | Due date | The payment term can be between 0-999 days. |
penaltyPercent | Overdue interest | Late interest rate | Scale: 2. |
invoiceChannel | Invoice channel | ELECTRONIC_INVOICE: Selected if both eInvoice address and eInvoice operator code are provided.EMAIL: Selected if SendByEmail is enabled and either receiverContactEmail or billingCustomerEmail is provided.MAIL: Selected if none of the aboce conditions are met. | |
status | Invoice status | Always UNFINISHED | |
language | Severa's invoice language | Invoice language | Options: English, Finnish, Swedish, Estonian, Norwegian and Danish. |
Invoice material | Severa | Procountor | Character limit / other information |
productCode | Code of the product / type of work / travel expense in the invoice row | Product code | |
product | Description | Name of the product | |
quantity | Amount | Amount | |
unit | Unit | Unit | |
unitPrice | Unit price | Unit price | |
accountingValue | Dimension | Dimensioning instructions | Used as a basis for the dimension of the accounting row. |
vatPercent | Vat percentage of the invoice row | VAT-% |
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