The resourcing overview is accessible via side navigation, and there you have two different views, Resourcing by person and Resourcing by roles. You can zoom the views to different time frames from the top right.

The Weigh resourcing by sales probability toggle affects the role and resource allocations that are on sales cases by multiplying those hours by the sales probability of the sales case. This allows you to either view the expected or worst-case scenario regarding resource usage, if the expected amount of sales cases are won or all of them.

On top of the view you can see a KPI strip with a few preselected values.

KPI figure Formula
Estimated utilization rate next 30 days The average workload for the selected people in the next 30 days.
Billable rate last 30 days How much of the hours in the last 30 days were billable for the selected persons.
Projects with unallocated hours The amount of open projects where you have unallocated hours.
Deadlines upcoming in 2 weeks The amount of project or phase deadlines in the next two weeks.


To tailor the view, you can use the filters in the right of the top bar. The filters also affect the KPIs.

The filters you used are stored, so they’ll be applied the next time you visit the page.

  • Project manager: Limits the individual allocations to show only for projects where the project manager is the one you select. The total workload for the people is not changed, however, so you don’t lose track of that if you regularly choose to only view allocations in your own projects.
  • Business unit: Limits the employees in the view to only those in the selected business unit.
  • Keyword: Limits the employees in the view to only those with the selected keyword(s).
  • Case: Limits the projects shown in the overview.
  • Role: Limits the employees in the view to only those with the selected role.
  • Supervisor: Limits the employees in the view to only those with the selected supervisor.

Viewing the workload

When you click on the name of a person, you see all their allocations. You can also edit the ones you have rights to, just like in project plan. The bars are stacked so that they take up the minimum space possible, so you get a good idea of which projects the person is working on different timeframes.

The different colours of resource allocation bars depict the following:

  • Blue bar: resource allocations on customer projects.
  • Purple bar: resource allocations on internal projects.
  • Grey bar: resource allocations on sales cases.

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