With the Advanced pricing add-on, you can increase prices by percentage or by fixed amount, create price list versions, and create volume priced price lists.

Features of advanced pricing are available in Platinum and Enterprise versions.

Increase prices

Instead of editing each individual price row manually, you have the possibility to update prices with only a few clicks.

To get started, go to Settings > Pricing > Price list, open the price list for editing and click Increase prices. In the pop-over that opens, first select if you wish to update prices by fixed amount or by percentage and enter the amount of the increase. Then select what types of items are updated and how you want to round them.

Rules of price increase

There are a few rules to consider before increasing the prices:

  • Price list rows that are empty or have value zero are not affected
  • Products that get the price from product register are not affected
  • When updating with fixed amount, enter a positive value to increase (such as "10")
  • User can choose what types of items are updated (Work hours, Travels and Products)
  • Volume priced products can be increased
  • Flat rates cannot be increased

Fixed amount

When updating prices with fixed amount you can choose which type of items are affected (Work hours, Travels, Products). Prices will be updated for the affected items visible on the price list. If some of the prices are not updated, review the rules of price increase.

Example 1: Increase work hour prices

Price list has following prices for work hours: Default price is 100 €/h, work type Planning is 90 €/h and work type Internal work is 0 €/h. User increases Work hours prices by 10 euros. After increase Default price is 110 €/h, Planning is 100 €/h and internal work is 0 €/h.

Example 2: Increase travel prices

Price list has following prices for travels: Mileage, Own car is empty, Daily allowance is 50 € and Taxi is 0 €. User increases Travel expense prices by 10 euros. After increase Mileage, Own car is empty, Daily allowance is 60 € and Taxi is 0 €. Note: When the price field is empty, the price comes from travel expense settings.

Example 3: Increase product prices

Price list has following prices for products: Billing fee is 5 € and Training day is 1500 € (from product). User increases Product prices by 10 euros. After increase Billing fee is 15 € and Training day is 1500 € (from product).


When updating prices with percentage you can choose which type of items are affected (Work hours, Travels, Products) and how the updated price should be rounded (to integer or to two decimals). Prices will be updated for the affected items visible on the price list. If some of the prices are not updated, review the rules of price increase. When updating with percentage, the mathematical formula is X + (X*Y/100), where X is the price and Y is the percentage.

Example 1: Increase work hour prices

Price list has following prices for work hours: Default price is 100 €/h, work type Planning is 90 €/h and work type Internal work is 0 €/h. User increases Work hours prices by 10 % and rounds to nearest integer. After increase Default price is 110 €/h, Planning is 99 €/h and internal work is 0 €/h.

Example 2: Increase travel prices

Price list has following prices for travels: Mileage, Own car is empty, Daily allowance is 50 € and Taxi is 0 €. User increases Travel expense prices by 10 % and rounds to nearest integer. After increase Mileage, Own car is empty, Daily allowance is 55 € and Taxi is 0 €. Note: When the price field is empty, the price comes from travel expense settings.

Example 3: Increase product prices

Price list has following prices for products: Billing fee is 5 € and Training day is 1500 € (from product). User increases Product prices by 10 % and rounds to nearest integer. After increase Billing fee is 6 € and Training day is 1500 € (from product).

Price list versions

With price list versions you can create new versions of existing price lists. For example, if you decide to raise prices at the beginning of next year, a new version can be created beforehand and it will be valid starting from the 1st day of January next year.

While creating the new version, pricing can be built from scratch or the old price list can be used as a basis for the new. When copying the rows from the old price list, prices in the new version can be increased by fixed amount or percentage.

The prices of the old price list are used until the start date of the new price list occurs. There is no need to do changes on the project, the new price list version is automatically taken into use when the start date occurs. At this point, uninvoiced work hours and travels entered before the start date of the new version will still have the price of the old price list and are invoiced using the old prices. If the start date of the version is selected for the current day and hours and travels have been entered earlier the same day, then prices of those entries are updated according to the new version. Prices of uninvoiced products are never updated.

  1. To create a new version go to Settings > Pricing > Price lists
  2. Open existing price list and click Create new version
  3. Enter a start date from which the price list is valid from
  4. Choose if you wish to copy rows from existing price list (Price list template)
    • If you wish to create a new empty price list and define rows manually, choose Not selected
    • If existing version is used as basis for the new, it is possible to increase the prices of the rows at the same time
  5. Once the new version is created, you can see each version at the top.

Price list versions can be deleted or the start date of the existing version can be changed.

Volume pricing

With volume pricing you can create a pricing that is based on the quantity of entered products. When an invoice is created, the system looks up the total amount of volume priced products per product and gives the price based on the definitions in the price list. As an example, the following volume pricing is defined, and how the product price is determined according to the pricing:

  • 1-2 products, price 10 € / unit
  • 3-8 products, price 5 € / unit
  • An invoice is created containing 3 products. All products are priced at 5 € / unit.

Manage volume price lists

To add a volume price list, start by entering a name for the price list. If the Multi-currency add-on is active, choose the currency to be used on the price list and check Use volume pricing. Work hour and travel prices are set the same way as in a regular price list.

To set volume prices for products, look for the correct product and hover your mouse at the end of the row. Click Add volume price to create the first rule. You can add as many rules as needed by clicking the add icon and providing the necessary details.

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